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Center of Infection Biology and Immunity

Career seminar series 2023-3

Sep 07, 2023 | 04:00 PM s.t. - 05:00 PM

Career seminar series 2023-3

Host: Stylianos Gnafakis

Guest 1: Dr. Domonkos Vince Varga (Immunotep Limited)

Domonkos is currently working as a Business Development Manager and Clinical Research Scientist at Immunotep Limited, where he previously worked as Business Development and Clinical Trial Analyst. is a globally active biotechnology company that is a leader in the development of LAG-3 related immunotherapeutic products for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune disease. Previously he pursued his doctoral Thesis at the group of Experimental immunology at DRFZ.

Guest 2: Dr. Konrad Gronke (Roche, R&D)

Konrad Gronke is a junior scientist in the field of immuno-oncology at Bayer. Bayer is a leading global pharmaceutical company that plays a major role in improving human life and healthcare. Konrad completed his postdoc at Roche's R&D department after receiving his PhD from the University of Mainz under Prof. Dr. Diefenbach, where he published in Nature on the role of IL-22 in genotoxic stress. (confirmed speaker)

Time & Location

Sep 07, 2023 | 04:00 PM s.t. - 05:00 PM

virtual lecture series
(Zoom link tba)

Further Information
